reflections of a walking man

reflections of a walking man

Monday, May 9, 2011

Random thoughts about stuff on my mind....

Some random thoughts about stuff…
The flooding here in Arkansas is unreal. I have a lot of pix posted on my Facebook page butthey reall y do not do it justice. The depth of the water and the entire tragedy of it all cannot be captured in a photo---it has to be seen to be believed. The Mississippi River rose so high that its tributaries (rivers running into it) began running backwards, and that is part of what is causing flooding in all kinds of places, like where I am today, south of Jonesboro. Here the water is 12 to 14 feet deep in places that never have water.I overheard some farmers talking this morning about how they have lost all thie rcorn and cotton crops this year, and with the economy so bad, it might ruin things for them next year too, with no income this year to keep things going.
Walking through a country is really the only way to see it. I have begun to notice how the landscape is so slowly but gradually changing, from the flat and dry cracked earth type of fields to slightly green to lush green. I also notice that the animals, like certain birds, proliferate in one area but not in others. Armadillos, for instance, were so prevalent in Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, are now almost non existent. It is interesting to see creatures I have not seen before. Today I saw a dead but very well preserved bat with very long ears, not at all like the bats I am used to, with little round ears.

Body stuff: I have noticed that my legs have lost all of their “loose stuff”, especially in the thigh area. Nothing but sinew now! My calf muscles, always big and strong, are bigger and stronger. The belly is still there to a degree, and at my age of 51 may never be Matthew McConnaughey like in appearance. Loose skin…sigh.
The feet are no longer, knock wood, a problem, except for pain from pounding on pavement all day long. Blisters are hardened and except for splits between the toes that are taking forever to heal, it would seem that the worst is over in the foot department.
I also am very ,very tanned, as you can see in the pix. I put sunblock on some days, but it seems to wash right off when I sweat.
I also have learned the lesson about staying hydrated. I know, I know, its practically a mantra for anyone who is in hot weather, but I am a slow learner. I think my almost collapse yesterday was the result of being dehydrated. Now I drink extra, even if I don’t want to. Today, except for one brief moment, I have felt really good. The moment was a feeling of passing out, but a drink of water and a granola bar fixed it quickly.
A note here about nutrition: Since I walk about 10 hours a day I can pretty much eat all I want to because it all gets burned off, but I try to limit my consumption to several apples, many granola bars, diet Cokes (I know…..) water and Vienna sausages, with the odd package of cookies thrown in for variety. I know its not the greatest diet but it is what I can work with. Someone commented a whule back that I eat crap…I got very confused by that because apples and granola bars are pretty healthy stuff.
Jonesboro is next up. I am recharging my mental batteries and hope you all are enjoying the stuff I am doing. Its been a blast.


  1. SF, the passout phases that U go through is usually from hunger and usually in 15 minutes they will go away even if U do not eat.

    I tell U this so others can understand how to try what U R doing.

  2. Best to eat a combination of protein and wholegrain carbohydrate every 3-4 hours to maintain good level of blood sugar. Majority of calories should come from good carbs (not refined flour or sugar)then protein and fat (minimising animal fats). The body utilises carbs for immediate fuel, protein for cellular repair and fat for energy also. Fat burns in the flame of carbohydrate. Depleted carbohydrate will lead to exhaustion. LOL

  3. Tess, U R a good traveling companion for Sore Foot. It lets him know that he is not alone.

  4. Listen to Tess! She knows whereof she speaks. She's right too. It's going to get hotter as you go west and the gaps between civilization are going to get longer. so stay hydrated. I have a spare hydration pack I can loan you if you like. I can send it c/o the postmaster ahead of you.

    Oh yes, good to be back in touch with you.

  5. Thanks Jonathan. Ill be okay, I think. Ill certainly keep it in mind though. My number is 678-883-6510, so feel free to give me a call if you want and Ill have your number.
