The south is very very flat.
And hot. Except after a storm, and then a cold front seems to come through and lasts for two days. Like clockwork. Al Roker, take note.
There are way more good people than bad. But I knew that. The experiences Ive had and the folks Ive met just reinforce it every single day.
Education is the single most valuable tool that we are given access to as Americans. That some of us do not choose to use that tool wisely is a tragedy. Also, there are many whose situations growing up kept them from getting that education, and that is also a tragedy. I see people every day, here in the south, who are bright, friendly and hardworking, wiping tables at McDonalds, or in gas stations, because they just didn’t get the proper schooling.
The cops here in the south have gotten a bad rap. From me to them, I say, “Sorry guys, I believed the crap I was told.” I know there are some bad ones and lets be truthful, if I was black, I might be singing a different song, but from my standpoint, the police I have met have all been courteous and genuinely concerned for my well being and safety, as well as just doing their jobs in a professional manner. When I ran into a faux cop in Walnut Grove, Alabama, I was so relieved to find out that he was not a real cop. That would have changed what I am writing now, maybe.
I’ve now gotten to see two things I had always wanted to see, and on foot, the best way!! I walked across the Mississippi River, and Ive walked through the Ozark Mountains. I can honestly say that when I think of the Hudson River back home in New York, the word “majestic” comes to mind. When I think of the Mississippi, the words, “wild and untamed” are what I think of. I am glad I saw the Mississippi, but the Hudson River is just so much more beautiful as it winds its way down through the valley, past storm Kinh and Bear Mountain. And the sun setting on the Hudson River, and the Sloop Clearwater, as I sailed on it a few times…..ahhhh the nostalgia.
The Catskill Mountains, on the other hand….cant hold a candle to the Ozarks in some ways, and yet they are so similar. Sizewise, they are the same to my eyes, but there is too much development in the Catskills. Sometimes being so close to New York City is a negative, not a positive, when there is money to be made out of them thar hills…..
I saw a house for sale yesterday in the Ozarks. Stone house, 91 acres, barns, four ponds, taxes---after homestead exemption--$240 bucks a year. Asking price for this lovely place? 210K. Unbelievable.
As you get away from “civilization” the air is cleaner, smells better and blows freer. I stood on top of an Ozark Mountain road, near an opening where I could see all around me nothing but fields and lakes and grass, and I was eating a bologna sandwich. It was one of those special moments where the world felt like it was made just for me. And the smell of my sandwich was annoying.
Whatever your faith, or religious beliefs, it isn’t a higher power that is going to feed you, or allow you to sleep in their manger, or allow you to set up your tent on their property.. It is people. We are all in this together. It doesn’t matter if there is a god/God or not, because as long as we take care of each other, and be good to each other, and try our best to love each other, the world will be a bearable place. John Lennon, anathema to some religious folk, said “Imagine there’s no heaven” which immediately sent some people out decrying his message. They forget that a few lines later, he said, “Imagine all the people living life in peace.” Now, THAT is biblical in my world.
Sometimes, a tiny bible found on the side of the road in the bible belt is just a tiny bible that someone tossed away on the side of the road I the bible belt.
Cookie Monster is an ideal road companion. Never complains about anything and never, ever has to stop to use the restroom. And never asks “Are we there yet????”
This has been the experience of a lifetime, and its only a fourth of the way over. Damn.
Sore Foot, just to give Ur followers something to read, I'll tell U about my experience on Bear mountain.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was traveling to Bangor, Maine I happen to walk over the entire Bear Mountain to Yorktown, NY.
As I was returning from Bangor, I again walked from Yorktown going west and that night on the top of the Bear Mountain I found a place to sleep under some trees that had prevented the snow from covering the ground.
Just before daylight I starting walking again and a cop picked me up and said I was not suppose to be walking on their hyways.
He took me about 20 miles east of there to a patrol barracks outside of Harriman City, NY. and handcuffed me to a bar while they ran a warrant check on me.
After verifying that I was not wanted, one of the cops gave me $10.00 and asked me if I wanted to continue to New Jersey or stay in a local mission but they had to many rules and regulation for me to stay there so they took me to New Jersey on I 87 and dropped, me off at a Burger King so I could save some of the $10.00 instead if throwing my money away at an I HOP next door to Burger King. I HOP is not designed for poor people.
Now about 'IMAGINE'. After meeting U in Savannah, Ga., I determined that U R searching for God but U R not ready to admit it, yet.
In order to 'IMAGINE' there is not a heaven, U have to think there is a heaven before U can 'IMAGINE' there is not a heaven.
Heaven is real unless U pretend through IMAGINATION that there is no heaven.
PATIENCE will let U find heaven if you PRACTICE finding it with PERSISTENCE.
God is not giving up on U so do not give up on seeking Him. I found Him and so can U.
I am glad that the cops are treating you well for the most part. I'm sure that before this is over you will find a bad apple, Hell, I've met a few myself and I'm in the business. And I don’t think you would see any difference if your race was different. Let me tell you what I've learned in 25 years on the job. A cop that treats people bad doesn’t do so because of skin color, He does so because he's an ass looking to pick a fight and show his authority. The good ones want to help first, They are always ready for the fight but would rather be respected for their demeanor. My Dad taught me that. He was a cop too. I've also learned that the tough ones eventually get taught a lesson. Even the baddest man can be whooped.
ReplyDeleteAs for God, I will keep it simple cause I don’t like to push my faith on others, Did you ever think that the people that offer food and shelter are put there by God? Go back and read your blogs, a lot of those who have reached out to you have also witnessed to you.
WOW, Jody, thanks for revealing the TRUTH about cops.
ReplyDeleteI could tell U many good and bad info on cops but I am trying not to steer up trouble until he gets close to his destination and then ***WATCH OUT***.
Appreciate your sharing what you've learned and experienced so far. Damn good piece of writing, up above, by you too.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Mr. Jim.
We heard a great quotation the other day but I cannot remember where "god lives in me as me"
ReplyDeleteThank you all. Its all going into the central processor, being churned around and will come out someday. LIke the song says, themusic goes round and round and it comes out Jazz!