Last night I got to be myself.
Here is the skinny on how I found out just who I am. I was walking through Mt. Pleasant, Mississippi, looking for a safe place to set up my sleeping bag and gear. I noted that between the Shell station at the corner, and a bank and a Dollar General Store there sat a large building…two buildings, really. It was a tin sided industrial building that had been converted into a church, and there was a strange building attached to it, almost like a wooden annex and a step back in time.
I approached a woman on the sidewalk. She was watching over several children, and they were running amok in the parking lot. I had noticed a sign that said “Angel Food Ministries and assumed that there was a food connection that might have a bit of sway when they saw my WhyHunger card. The lady directed me inside to a man named Gary, so I went in, only to find that Gary was a minister and was in the middle of a bible study. He asked me if I needed help and I briefly explained my situation. He directed me to sit in the lobby and wait, or join them. I chose the lobby, not so much because I didn’t want to hear a bible study but because it was getting late and I needed to run to Dollar General to get supplies. Which I did.
Upon returning, and after a brief wait, the group broke for the evening and came through the lobby. Gary Davis told me that they had decided to allow me to stay in a special place that they had just created, and that I was to get my cat and follow a man named Roy.
Roy, a 26 year military man, lead me to a doorway in the other, oddly old looking building and we entered. He explained that the church had recently built the building and was making a recreation of the manger scene in Bethlehem. The floor was straw covered, there was a roof, and it was as cold as it could be in there. And it was great.
As I set up my stuff, air mattress and sleeping bag, Roy went into the church and returned with a large amount of leftover food that they had been enjoying. Sausage and beans in a sauce, rice and cabbage, I think with chicken broth added, some pudding pie, and a whole pitcher of lemonade. Oy, such a meal!
I say “Oy” because that night I got to sleep in the place of baby Jesus, and since he was a Jew might have said “Oy” at some point. He certainly would have said, “Man, is it cold!” and “Wow, that was good pie”, just as I, his substitute, did.
I slept fitfully in that straw filled manger, with no electricity and no heat. It was in the morning that I realized just who I really am: a grateful passing stranger who was allowed to have safe harbor by a group of kind people who didn’t have to do it. Something about the coldness of the night and the pain in my feet coalesced and a clarity of purpose manifested itself nicely. I am Jim. And I am happy to be alive.
Well, Sweet Baby J... in the manger! From the kindness of strangers, to the realization of, "you." Well done and nice write here Jim. Thoroughly enjoyed. Wishing you well on your continued "walk about," so to speak. (Walking for hunger included.) I'm saving up to gladly make that donation, I'll have you know. is where to send a donation. I just checked.
ReplyDeleteLove. That is what it is all about. Loving kindness. The world would be a better place with more of it and we can all do our part. It is the little things in life that mean the most.