Sitting here in my room in Jonesboro, I am reminded why I rarely turn on the tv. There is a commercial thing on now, with Cindy Crawford featured, about beauty. It is pissing me off, to be honest, with statements made like this: “No one wants to look their age.”
Well, excuse me, but what a crock. I don’t mind looking my age, and I know others who don’t mind either. It makes me think about something: beauty, or what our perception of it is.
Ive seen beauty. Ive seen people of great physical beauty, and that was all that they had. Personality? None. Talent? None. Happiness? Maybe, to a degree they thought they were happy, but real happiness?
As human beings we age and change as we do that aging. Nature makes us want to appeal to other people and we do that by primping and touching up, but unless there is real contentment inside the façade is just that, a façade.
And that is the key: contentment. If we are happy with our lives, we will feel beautiful, no matter how old we are, no matter how much sun we have absorbed in our lives, no matter how big we are, or how short, or how badly we sing, or what color our eyes are or how small, or big our body parts is all in our minds.
SO when I see Cindy Crawford, a lucky woman if ever there was one, shilling chemicals and potions on television, and inferring that no one wants to look their age, it gets me angry. Some of the most beautiful people I know have never had a bit of “work” done and don’t even wear make-up, or very very little, and the idea of having a surgeon cut into what nature gave them is repulsive to them.
In the celebrity world, Id rather gaze at imperfect Meryl Streep t any age than perfect Cindy Crawford any day.
Just something that crossed my mind today in a Motel 6 in Joneboro, Arkansas.
Everything is beautiful, in its own way……and so is everyone.
Have a great day, a beautiful day!
SF, how old do U think I am?
ReplyDeleteHere, Here... Beautiful!
ReplyDeleteRight down to the Ray Stevens song.
I like the image of the lotus flower - someting exquisitely beautiful growing out of the mire. I have the red jewel in the lotus flower tattooed on my sacrum to remind me that despite everything I am beautiful indeed!!
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