I met a guy named Joe today. And I met another guy named Keith. Ill tell you about Joe, first.
This morning, waiting at the truck stop near my motel, for the rain to stop, a tall powerful looking man walked past me with a back pack on. He turned, almost as an afterthought, and offered me the last inch of a cigarette he was smoking. I politely declined and asked him if he was on foot. He avowed that he was, and was headed for Charlotte, NC. His clothes and hands were filthy, and his full beard did not hide the fact that he had no teeth. His age could be anywhere from early 40’s to 51 or 52. I didn’t get the sense that he was older than I, but I cant be sure. He was sober and lucid, and we had a talk.
(He told me) that he had been a Marine, and when he returned from Afghanistan had fallen off the rails a bit, and lived very rough for a while, bouncing from place to place, doing odd jobs for cash, and he said that his life had no purpose until he got “saved” and to show me his faith opened his wallet to reveal a lucky penny with a cross cut out of the center. He was obviously very proud of his sobriety and I encouraged him to keep it up. He told me that his brother was getting a room at a motel across the street that was better than the one I had stayed at, because it had a full breakfast each morning, instead of just coffee. He offered me the use of the shower but I had just showered before checking out of my own room, so I declined. He shared some of his travel stories and told me he was hanging on in West Memphis, washing truck tires at the truck stop for cash. He told me how he had slept the night before under the bridge near the highway and laughed when I told him I had an air mattress. “C’mon, live rough! Sleep on the concrete under the bridge.” I declined that offer as well. Ive had plenty of my own unpleasant sleeping experiences, thank you.
Joe also was amazed that I had walked over the bridge. He told me that he had walked over it months ago and a West Memphis Deputy sheriff had not only arrested him on “Pedestrian in the roadway” charges, but that he had received a pillow and a blanket and a stone floor to sleep on for 3 days, until he went to court. The judge asked him how he wanted to plead, and he said, “Well, your honor, I was walking in the road so I will plead ‘guilty’”, to which the judge replied, Well, I find you ‘Not Guilty’ and order you released.”
He also ordered the deputy to drive Joe over the bridge. True story? Could be.
Here is a true story. Keith is a young black man, tall and thin. He got into a bit of legal trouble recently, did not have money to pay his fine, so as a result has to do some time. A quiet and peaceful guy, he is allowed to work lightly supervised at the Marion, Arkansas Animal Shelter, under the direction of a deputy named Rusty. Leaving West Memphis on Rt 55, I noticed the shelter, and with my 7 years as dog warden experience , was interested to see the doggies in the pens. I went in, and received permission from Rusty to take a few pictures for my blog, and that was when I met Keith, who graciously posed for the picture seen here. The dog is named “Big Head” and is a gentle pit bull mix, heavily on the other breed side, in my opinion. All of the dogs in the pen seemed adoptable, and I hope they find great homes, I imagine that the recent storms and tornadoes separated a few pets from their owners so I fervently wish for happy reunions all around. It is a tough and depressed area, and bad news is NOT all the wind can carry. (Apologies to Richard Thompson).
Keith gets released on June 14. Hopefully all the doggies will get new homes before that. THAT would be a nice story.
Joe and Keith. Two guys I happened to meet today. Both quiet and dignified in the face of bad situations. I wish them both well.
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