reflections of a walking man

reflections of a walking man

Friday, May 27, 2011

Polly McCrillis is a writer....

Polly McCrillis is a writer. And being that she loves to write books, she also just loves to be around books. So she opened a bookstore.
“A real nice space” is how she describes the large and roomy spot where she has her bookstore set up, in the quaint, almost non-existent town of Pierce City, Missouri. I say “non-existent” because several years ago a tornado almost destroyed the entire town , leaving nothing but a small block of what used to be the city square standing, one building now housing Bookmarks, her new and used bookstore. Walking in, I immediately got a faint whiff of old books, a scent that I find particularly enticing. There were also new books and a lot of very interesting art adorning the walls.
A children’s section was also very charming, and I even convinced Polly to sit in the tiny rocking chair there for a picture.
We met a few miles away, earlier in the day. I was walking on the narrow and twisting roads from Monett to Pierce City and she happened by me, offering assistance. I declined but offered her a card for WhyHunger, writing my blog info on it hurriedly. Later, when I arrived in Pierce City, I saw her store, just as I was entering town. She ran out to meet me and brought ne a nice notebook and pen for easier info sharing in the future. I went into the shop and we visited a bit. She is a writer of not only a blog, focusing on parents with children in prison (a situation she sadly finds herself in currently) but also is a published author of historical and contemporary romance novels. Her books are available at all booksellers and online bookstores. She has a nom de plume, Isabel Mere, but I think I’ll call her Polly, a lovely and lively woman whose path I was fortunate enough to cross one fine morning in May of 2011.
Her website is

1 comment:

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