It’s just a song, I have to admit, but it keeps popping up on my mp3 player as I walk, and I cant get it, or its message, out of my head. Shakespeare wrote sonnets, poems meant to be sung, basically, as did Robert Burns and many others, and our generations have Bob Dylan, Beatles, Townshend, and this gem from two unknown guys named Kuhn, but sung by the great Tom Waits on their album Thelonious Monster. The verses are done by the group but the chorus, the great chorus, is a lesson to everyone, and should be added to the list of commandments that a lot of people live by. It goes like this:
Don't let nobody go there for you
Don't be satisfied with a second-hand life
Don't let nobody stifle or bore you
Handle your troubles or take on your strife
Don't let nobody live your life for you
Not your friends, not your kids, no not even your wife
If you want to know where the rainbow ends
It's you who've got to go there and find it my friend
It’s compelling stuff, and to hear the great force of nature that is Waits sing it with his tortured voice is an experience not to be missed.
The song is basically a story about an old timer who holds court at the Adios Lounge, and when someone buys him drinks or a smoke, he dispenses his lessons on the meaning of life.
The song is readily available on youtube, so check it out. Words to live by.
What an awesome collaboration, not to mention message - When Waits delivers chorus.
If we all took a little more responsibility for our own rainbow foraging, we might have a bit more extra to go around. Thanks Mr. Jim