As related to me this morning, by an elderly gentleman wearing overalls, who just lost his house and everything that ever came to him in his life, in the tornado:
A woman and her small daughter were in their home when the tornado struck. As the house began to fly apart, the woman lost her grip on the little girl, and in the chaos that followed was unable to find her again. Once the storm was over she began to search in the rubble for the child. No luck at all. Disheartened and homeless, she finally gave up and departed for Springfield, Missouri to stay with family. Fliers and stories with the little girl’s name were posted on the news, local radio and TV. No luck.
Until today. On a local radio show, a caller asked the host for the mother’s contact info, because she had found a small child with the little girl’s name written across the front of her little shirt. The radio host said he could not give out that information but that he would put the two women in touch with each other. He did, and as related to me by the elderly man in the overalls who just lost his house and everything that had any meaning to him in his life, the caller did indeed have the little girl, in good health and who told the mother to stay right where she was, Her baby was on her way to her in 90 minutes or less. Probably by the time this is finished being written the two will be reunited. The old man, who also just suffered a stroke two days before the tornado took away everything except his health, made this weary traveller cry like a baby.
There have already been some funerals for the dead, and many more in the days to come. Some people are still missing, about one hundred and fifty, many children have not been reunited with their parents,who may or may not be alive.
Yesterday, at the site of the OP High School, destroyed while the students were at their commencement exercises, held at the local college (luckily), a pair of ministers were surveying the destruction of their church, located next to the school. All that remained of that building of worship and hope was the entrance, made of stone, and the doors, which were open, inviting people in to….nothing. I made a joking comment to them that the church was still open, and they laughed and said that indeed, they were holding services this Sunday morning right there in the parking lot. Then they showed me something that still boggles my mind—a baseball bat sized piece of wood, pointed, driven through solid concrete, with the sharp end still sticking out from one side. I can only hope that someone finds a way to leave it there, as testimony to the power of nature, and to never forget what happened here, as if any one can, or will.
Joplin is going about its business. I saw joggers running, people washing their cars, stuffing their faces at McDonald’s. All of the mundane things that we do every single day, except that most of us have not lost, or know someone who has, their homes and lives to a whim of nature, so when we jog or wash our cars, its not with those thoughts in the back of our minds.
Im leaving Joplin today, and will head into Kansas and points west on this journey of mine, but what I saw here in the past two days will stay with me forever. I know there is a lot more to Joplin---street cars, and a lot of history, and I am sorry I didn’t get to see any of that this time around. Maybe next time around.
Jim, see this is why you need to be where you are.. telling us from the heart what we wouldn't normally hear via the media that so many of us depend on.. Thank you Jim. God Bless you and keep you safe during your journey spreading all the news during your walk across our beautiful country.. through good or bad.. through rain or shine..we are walking with you.. and I thank you for your honest sharing.
SF, the photo of the board sticking through the curb of the side walk is extremely unique.
ReplyDeleteThat is a very valuable photo if U can get it to the Weather Channel.
Now, I will make the hypocrites mad at me just as they were mad a Christ.
In Matthew 24:2 of the Holy Bible, Christ says "Do you not see all these things? Truly I say to you, not one stone will be left upon another, which will not be torn down.
Christ was talking about the CRAFTED TEMPLES that God tells the world in Acts 7:47-48 and Acts 17:24 that 'HE DOES NOT LIVE IN CRAFTED TEMPLES'. Hypocrites say God uses His words 'OUT OF CONTEXT' in those verses.
God is only in 'CREATED' TEMPLES that He created, not man's CRAFTED TEMPLES which R meer copies or counterfeit TEMPLES as the Holy Bible tells those that R not BLIND to God's words.
CRAFTED TEMPLES R nothing but 'ROBBERS DENS' that steal the money that is suppose to be given to STARVING CHILDREN but they feed the crafted temple and God will show them what it feels like to be hungry and thirsty and the pain that it causes but multiplied thousands of times when they reach hell.
More than likely they will rebuild the house where the throne of Satan is according to God in Revelation 2:12-13 and spend more money on it than before while they murder children by STARVATION.
They will murder many more children by starvation when they feed children with stones to their CRAFTED TEMPLE that they call a church instead of feeding bread to the starving and suffering of the world.
Sore Foot, U R doing a purpose of God but U say U do not believe in God.
I ask that U do not take the side of RELIGIONS because Christ NEVER told anyone to start a RELIGION nor did He EVER say anything good about them. THEY R BLIND. They appear to be very nice to manipulate U from Ur money and hell is full of them, NICE PEOPLE.
FEED THE POOR instead of CRAFTED TEMPLES or U will see me from across the chasm from hell holding up 4 fingers signaling U that 'I-TOLD-YOU-SO'.
Now, persecute me just as Ur ancestors persecuted Christ and His true disciples.
Christ taught me how to suffer for His name sake while hypocrites say he suffered for them so they don't have to suffer. U will know what suffering is someday, U hypocrites. What U cause on the starving will come back around on U, SOON.
Christ tells the world that He desires 'COMPASSION' not sacrificing of the hungry an He says this is GREATER than the TEMPLES but hypocrites feel that the temple is greater than the starving people of the world. ( This is in Matthew 12:6-8 but the hypocrites refuse to see the truth.)
Now, pound on me.
Please keep your spirits up Mr. Jim!
ReplyDeleteYou've come a long way!
~ Thank you ~