reflections of a walking man

reflections of a walking man

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Three days left.......

Three days left til I leave. I should be running around like a chicken sans head but instead Im just chillin’, as they say.
Since my ride to my starting point had to cancel, getting there is going to be a tricky thing, and it looks like an inexperienced driver is going to have to ride with me down to Tybee Island and return alone, 250 miles or so. If I thought I could leave my car safely there for 4 months, I would but it isn’t realistic.
I’ve got most of the stuff I need. Here is a list of what I’m taking, not complete, but close.

Cards and info from WhyHunger to distribute.
Sleeping bag
Sleeping pad, or extra tarp which Ill keep rolled or folded up as a softer sleeping surface
Three or 4 pairs of underwear
Four pairs of socks
Knit cap/ Wide-brim sun hat /Baseball cap
Reflective vest, as well as a rain poncho
Camp towel
Extra pair of shoes
Two lighters
Deodorant (like it’s gonna do any good)
Anti-chafing stick
Tools/fix-it supplies
Duct tape (of course!)
Bungee cords
Lots of waterproof plastic bags
Paper towels and toilet paper
Small cooler
Nuts, Apples , Granola bars
Peanut butter and Crackers
Fresh fruits and vegetables
Heidi Fallis-recommended energy packets from 4-C (these things ROCK!)
Melomine plate and a fork, spoon and knife.
Water (I may need up to a gallon a day during summer))
Journal and pens
Pepper spray
Digital camera
Mini Laptop (HP) with wifi capability
Headphones and trusty Philips mp3 player with 900 songs, all great.
Three flashlights
Small solar panel (for charging phone)
Extra batteries
Chains and locks to secure the cart
Art supplies for my art journal.
Several books, which I will read as I go and leave behind, except for Everett Ruess, Vagaond for Beauty, a gift from Lynda..sigh
And whatever else I toss in at the last minute.
It’s going to be FUN!! If I say it enough Ill believe it!!!

1 comment:

  1. 98% of Ur stuff can be left on the side of the road.

    All U need is a bed roll and a 2 liter soda bottle of water and no money to start Ur journey.

    U will have over $400.00 in your pocket when U reach San Fran unless U boggy down.

    Do not ask for any money for U but have it sent to WHY.ORG but keep the money given directly to U until U reach San Fran, then send it to them.

    Mc D sometimes has $.39 burgers sometimes in different parts of Ur journey.
