Reno, Nevada. The self proclaimed Biggest Little City in the World.
Its not small enough for me, and from what I can see of it as a city, it appears to be a case of “just let people do what they will” and it doesnt matter what they do as along as they don’t hold up a liquor store.
Arriving yesterday, after the sun went down but in that state of twilight and dusk that makes everything look clean, I had no idea where to go. I had ridden the bus for almost 18 hours to get here, forgoing Utah, and Nevada for the simple reason that I want to stay alive. I was tired and hungry and more than a little sore from sitting.
I left the bus depot, looking for a safe place to sleep. After quite a search, and after watching about a hundred different teenagers walking and running around through a nice park with ivy covered tennis courts, I decided to make a go of a few hours sleep in the park. I saw a mens restroom that was open. I went in and there was a body, alive but sleeping, on the floor. I left. I walked around to one of the tennis courts, and almost tripped over another body, alive but sleeping. I left and found another tennis court section that was empty. I set up my sleeping bag and managed to get a decent nights sleep, despite a number of people walking past me in the night. You learn to sleep lightly when out on the road, and any little sound will rouse you but you learn to go back to sleep fairly quickly.
Prior to the park, I had ventured out onto “the strip”, as it is known. Exactly what I expected to find: teenaged hookers, drugged out dudes doing kung fu moves to their own reflections in windows, groups of young people, all amid the bright lights of faded casinos and old sleazy motels and flashing lights from police cars and ambulances, with their attendant noises. Not a pretty picture in general but for a tired guy pushing a converted baby stroller loaded with his “stuff” and looking for a safe place to park it for the night, this sure was a far cry from Kansas, baby. A far cry.
One lighter note though: I walked a black gentleman, skinny from years on the streets. He commented something to me as I passed. I didn’t hear any threat in his tone and so asked him to repeat what he said.
He nodded at my cart, and said, “I said, ‘Unless you invented that rig yourself, it must be military grade.’” I laughed, and replied, “No, its actually well constructed baby stroller grade.” We both laughed and I kept walking. I passed the shopping cart, grocery store grade, that he was using.
Seriously, Reno has no appeal to me at all. After months and months of walking through small town America and meeting small town and very real Americans, places like this hold about as much appeal to me as a sore tooth. Maybe a sore tooth is a better option, now that I think about it.
SF, since nobody is talking to you, I will give you ONE of my experiences in Reno.
ReplyDeleteOne day I was at the Fitzgerald casino. I was playing the roulette game and I was ahead by $212.00.
I asked the lady pit boss if I could make a bet for her since I wanted to round off my winnings.
She said, yes, so I asked her what her favorite number was and she said number 26 so I placed a $12.00 bet on it. 'SHE WON'.
It pays 35 to 1 so she won $420.00. The dealer took my $12.00 bet for his toke but I didn't say anything because I already had to much money with me plus the $200.00.
She called upstairs and got permission to accept the money because bets was usually only to the dealers. She didn't think she was going to win when she told me I could make the bet. People have NO IDEA who I really am.
I went to another casino and after an hour or so a guy came up behind me and told me that the whole Fitzgerald casino was talking about me and my bet ever since I left.
I have won 10s of thousands of dollars in Vegas and Reno in casinos. I was the top roulette dealer in Vegas according to the ATF that checked me out. They called me a 'WHEEL MAN'.
You wouldn't believe how much I won at the old Horseshoe, Mint, Golden Nugget and on the strip in ONE DAY. I'll save that story until later.
I'll tell U about the times I won 1.4 million dollars plus in Lufkin, Tx. I was listed on the bullten board and in their news paper as the top winner 3 times.
A man from Shreveport La. saw my name on the board one day when I wasn't there. He left a check for me with the dealer to take to Vegas with me and use it to bet with.
I owned a company in Bossier City, La. so when I went there I called him and asked him why he gave it to me. He said if I won with his money, he wanted me to give it to a charity or someone that needed it. I told him I was going to VOID the check because I didn't always win if I was in a bad mood and I said I would leave it in my wallet as a 'GOOD LUCK' piece.
U have no idea who I was and NOW who I am, since I died and was born again into God's family.
PS: SF, I could tell you about another unbelievable fact about my winnings at MGM Grand in Sparks, Nev. which is a suburb city of Reno.
ReplyDeleteIf U turn around and go there, I'll tell U about it.
Im already in Mammoth Lakes, CA
ReplyDeleteSF, that's a beautiful place, ain't it?
ReplyDeleteGo further north and look at the tremendous Sequaua trees Or however you spell the name of those big boys.
I think those lakes was made from the sliding glaciers a few years ago. Oh well. Who knows.