So, California is the land of granola eaters and hippies and hottubs, right. Right.
Today brought about another adventure, and another chance at something new. Whew. Am I glad THAT is over!
Rolf and Tess, my friends and hosts for the past several days, took me to a place called Little Hot Creek. It is a few miles up in the middle of nowhere, cow country, really, and the dirt road that got us there would be more than a match for any regular car. The Jeep we were in got us there with only a few loud scrapes and bumps.
“There” was a natural hot spring, water, full of minerals and heated by volcanic activity, and running from an aquifer somewhere, through a pipe into a man-made tub in the middle of a field. As we approached I saw a naked man run for a pile of clothing, donning a bathing suit in a matter of seconds. He returned to the tub as we approached, and explained that he had put the suit on as a courtesy, and expressed a little annoyance that sometimes families with children came there and he wasn’t taking any chances.
Rolf and Tess had been there before and told him that they had no problem with whatever he did and before I could bat an eye they were doffing their clothing, leaving you know who as the only one of the group with clothes still on. Ahem.
So, when in Rome…or California. I dropped trou and dashed into the water. The…very…HOT…water. Ahem.
I now know what happens physically when you boil eggs. Ahem.
Needless to say, shy boy here had no choice but to try not to stare, and I did a good job of it, I think. Our little trio was fairly modest in all aspects, but Mr Showoff, the fellow who was already there, had no compunctions about walking around with a bit of a swagger in his dagger, so to speak.
In actuality, it was a very cool experience. Not physically—the water was almost unbearably hot, but the freedom from clothing and being au naturel was surprisingly refreshing. I was the first to put my clothes back on and walked around the area taking pictures of the creek and the rocks. Then we had snacks that we had brought and left a little later. Before we departed, Rolf actually drained the tub of water and with a brush left there for the purpose, scrubbed a lot of the green slimy algae off the sides. The pipe has a valve that can be shut off to allow the water that is already there to cool a bit. There is also a drain pipe with a stopper. It is a very nice setup that seems to be maintained by those who use it. He refilled the tub and we left. If everyone chips in, something can function well for a long time, and so it was with the Little Hot Creek tub, in the middle of nowhere, where I got naked. Woody Guthrie wrote: California is a garden of Eden. Now I know what he meant. Pass the fig leaf….please??
What a good vocabulary U have -'au' natural.
ReplyDeleteI made a jacuzzi out of a round thick plastic watering trough in the northern Sierra mountains.
I built a fire place of stones and put a 55 gallon drum with a spiket on it and heated the water. I took the hottest bath of my life in my jacuzzi, which are few baths. I hate wasting water.
I pumped the initial cold water with my gas operated suction pump from willow creek where I panned for gold.
Ain't doing that no more. I hate boiling water on my body. U can't hold a good conversation over the screams of pain.
PS: Ur eggs must be boiled before U stuff them.
ReplyDeletePS, PS: I think U have read the book of Genesis.
ReplyDeleteU ain't fooling me.
LOL. Thanks Caleb, for exactly the type of comment I like to see here.
ReplyDeleteah man, I could have gone all day without that image. Oh well, so much for lunch!!
ReplyDeleteAfter I commented to U, guess what it reminded me to do.
ReplyDeleteI boiled 4 chicken eggs so I would not forget not to go back to willow creek.
I put some mayo, mustard, salt, pepper, accent, cyenne pepper and chicken wing sauce into the egg yokes and mashed the crap out them and filled my boiled eggs and MM good.
I learned it is better to boil them in a boiler than a cows watering trough although I got to wash my clothes in boiling water (HOT) after I was cleansed.
ReplyDeleteHey Tess. Where U been? France?
ReplyDeleteIn reviewing the blogs, this is the best blog yet.
ReplyDeleteTess reminded me of a 'BRILLIANT' play that MAY have been written by Shakespeare which says:
I saw Scotland and I saw France,
and I saw Peter in your pants.
He was not speaking of peanut butter.
PS: If this song is written, I want a 6% royalty.
PS, PS: SF, Believe it or not, my word verification was 'paetr'. Who makes up these verification words? R U watching us?
SF, When hearing Tess speak, can U hear a British twang?