Whilst sitting at the Sapinero Village Store, petting Rosie, the beautiful Golden Retriever that owns the front porch of the store, a trio of bicycle guys pulled in. Rosie checked them out, declared them okay to come aboard, and then returned to being a dog. I engaged them in conversation.
The three of them, and their names are not important, were riding across the US from Virginia to San Francisco, and what is important is this: they are doing it to promote awareness of the fight against Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and they were part of a larger group of 16 riders and four support vehicles (to carry water and supplies).
What is different about this group is the fact that one of the riders, a 25 year old guy, actually HAS MS, and is making the trip to help fight his own ailment. He looked as healthy as can be, and when I asked him how he was feeling, he told me that he was really good, and that the medicines he was taking, medicines that are only in existence because of the long running battle against the disease, are actually keeping him out of a wheelchair.
The medicines work. Still, more work needs to be done and more awareness of the situation can only help raise the money needed to further the research and development of even better drugs, and maybe even a cure someday. Im happy to do my part.
Their website is www.biketheusforms.org
So many charities worldwide, so many good causes! Why can't governments channel cash where it is needed instead of armaments and the like?
ReplyDeleteTess, just to reply to your question. Those that take an OATH like Hitlers boys and anyone else does, enjoy killing people under the pretence of saying they are protecting their nation. Christ says in Matthew 5:34-37 that ANYONE that takes an OATH is of the EVIL ONE and the EVIL ONE loves buying bullets instead of helping those that R suffering and in need.
ReplyDeleteIn order to keep them killing instead of keeping people alive, they call them HEROES, ELITE and many other fancy words and make the killers think their killing is worth the names alone if they make them a little ribbon to wear on their PRIDEFUL uniform. PRIDE is deadliest of the 7 deadly sins. I didn't write the word of God, I just try to get in the ears that religions keep it out of.
Christ didn't mind being persecuted and neither do I. It is the way the world has always been except for a FEW of us. Everything I do is in the name of Christ without using it as a trick phrase as religions do.
Ok, That’s it I can be quiet no more. Caleb, your comments are usually longer than Jim's blog. And you are very pushy. I too am a Christian and I too believe that we should tell others about Jesus, you have done that, now you need to relax and just pray for them. Jim and his readers have been told. It's up to them now. Let's just love them and support them. Not judge them.
ReplyDeleteYou seem to only speak of scriptures dealing with money, oathes, and man made temples. I'm sure that you are aware that Jesus said a lot more!! Two passages come to mind when I read your comments. Matthew 7: 1) Judge not, lest ye be judged and 2) by the same standards that you judge men, so shall you be also judged. You seem to have everyone except yourself condemned to hell.
How could you possibly know that people are only interested in the scenery and not the cause? and why are you so concerned as to whether or not Jim sells books. That’s his business. I'll buy one Jim, but only if you autograph it for me!!!
Jim has been very good to write about other causes (including your's), but he's not walking for the others now, he's walking for his, so the way he chooses to get the word out should be up to him.
Caleb, I love you Brother and I'm sure you mean well but you are more likely to push people away than to win them.
Jim, I am sorry to you and your readers. I know this isn’t the place but I just had to say something
Jodie, we are judged by God by our 'works' which is also referred to as deeds or what we do in the service of God and our obedience to the Son of God. We are never judged by how or what we pray for but what we 'do'. I can only suggest that you help us to get them to provide for the hungry and suffering, not pray.
ReplyDeletePeople have been praying for thousands of years and the poor are still dying of hunger. People do not need to pray to get out of providing for the suffering. They need to feed them. Sorry if that upsets U.
Please do not use a capital letter on referring to me. I am not a diety.
I love U more than U can imagine and I hope U wake up to the TRUTH some day. Talking is not walking. Faith without works is DEAD.
Maybe a few verses will help U. James 2:17, Revelation 20:13, Revelation 22:12. If you want more I can give U more than U can imagine.
I haven't wasted OVER 5,000 known hours in God's words just to throw phony verses at people trying to convince them that I am a child if God.
Jesus told Simon Peter 'Get behind me Satan' but He still loved Simon Peter anyway knowing that he was going to deny Him after the rooster crowed 3 times.
PS: Jodie, U and I know why U say U can't take this no more.
ReplyDeleteWOW, SF. To show U how STUPID I am about computers, I accidently clicked on one of Ur photos and it jumped back at me about 5 times as large. I clicked it agin and it even got BIGGER.
ReplyDeleteIt makes them look better than they already were.
Excuse me for using up your comment site but I feel GOOD now.
oh, man. Thanks to all of you guys. Caleb, you do know you have been a bit heavy handed and are making inferences to who you "really are" your words, not mine. Please, enlighten us then,I notice your last name, GOSA is a reverse anagram of ASOG, a son of god. Do you think that your are the second coming? IN a different time that would be considered blasphemy or heresy, and punishable by death. I really doubt that yoyur name is Caleb Gosa but I respect your woish for a new identity. But please, as I have asked, and as Jody has as well, please try to contain your comments to the topic at hand. I will not block anything for I dont believe in that, but when your comments become a distraction, it comes across as that you are ust using my blog as a forum for self serving...rants, at times. I say this with all due respect, but as I get near the end of this walk, I need to keep the message focused on WhyHunger.org and the memory of the late Harry Chapin, who gave so much to so many. Thank you brothers.
ReplyDeleteNo, I am not the 'Second Coming'. Read your bible in the book of Isaiah and U will see that He has no broken bones but I broke my collar bone on a motorcycle race track which means I'm not the '2nd Coming' but thanks for asking.
ReplyDeleteI am very close to the 'second Noah' as described in Genesis 7:1 but believing that would 'BLOW YOUR MIND'.
Now, for the name that God assigned to me.
Do U doubt that Jacob was Israel (which means at war with God, in English), Abram was Abraham, Saul was Paul, Peter was Simon (peter means rock, in English) and other names that were reassigned to them?
Excuse me, I forgot that U SAY that U don't believe there is a God so how can He can assign new names to new creatures. I'll try to go on to something else.
Sorry, I can't stop talking about it.
In all the years that God assigned my name to me, U R only the second person that ever picked up on that and that is why I tested your thinking.
Jesus is called Justus in Greek and Joshua in Hebrew. Can U say it in Spanish? Well, almost everyone in Mexico can.
I am Joshua's (Jesus's) friend, Caleb, as mentioned in Deuteronomy 1:35-36. U cannot believe that because U do not believe there is a God. BUT do U know what? No one believes there is a God until He reveals Himself to them. I do not know a single whimp that He reveals Himself to and U ain't no whimp. So, U may be shocked to know Him someday or U may not. That's not my decision to make. I do not pretend to be my Father.
Now in keeping the message focused on HELPING THE HUNGRY of the world. Ya'll send ALL of your money to WHY.ORG or anyone that is willing to 'DO SOMETHING' for the suffering.
If U do give ALL of your money, God will return it to U so U can give more to THE SUFFERING. Wait for Ur treasures in heaven, NOT HERE ON EARTH. Eternity is longer than just 80 or 90 years.
That is one reason that Christ was killed for telling U to do that because Greed, which is one of the 7 deadly sins, prevents U from doing so and most people figure out a fake reason, logic, opinion or phony interpretation to pretend that they do not have a curse of GREED.
What do U think about that, Sore Foot? I think U know more than U pretend not to know.
Jim, on July 8th, U said 'keep em coming'. I only ASSUMED that U meant our COMMENTS but I wasn't sure so I asked U what U meant by 'em'.
ReplyDeleteI still do not know since U R insinuating that I speak to much.
Can U tell me Ur definition of 'em'??
WOW, believe it or not, my word verification for to enter this comment was 'liere'. Who makes up these word verifications?