As this walk gets further west, and as described to me by folks in the know, the land stretches out a bit more and towns become fewer and further between. Although I’m still just in Kansas, almost halfway across, the long hot days of flat roads with no places to re-up my supplies, especially water, are becoming a little more of a challenge.
Ive been averaging something over 23 miles a day, more or less, but that is likely going to have to drop, due to the heat and the fact that in Kansas, and Im sure beyond, I will need to always end up in a place where people are. Between towns, there is nothing. Roads and plains, fenced in for the most part, and offering no shelter, no shade, and no places to bed down for the night. More planning is necessary, like finding information from the internet, locals, and other sources about what each town has as far as stores, churches and so on. The other night, for example, I had researched Cunningham, Kansas. According to the city profile online, there was a store, cafes, and a gas station, but when I got there, foodless, there was nothing still open. It was a long night, in a beautiful park, but I was quite hungry. A lesson learned.
I will accept short rides if offered, when it is clear that either the weather is not going to be safe or if I am too physically drained to make it to a safe location for the night. Its my walk, after all…ha ha.
Today I turned down three rides, one from a guy who kept insisting that I let him drive me a mile into Pratt. All the while he was demanding I ride with him he was jamming his fingers into his nose with such force and depth that I thought he would lobotomize himself. He finally left me alone and sped off, but he had “serial killer “ written all over his forehead…..I could have sworn I saw him in Alabama….
I have about 9 days left in Kansas as long as I can follow a plan. Then Colorado, a big state, and Im hoping that things cool off, temperature wise, a bit. After Colorado, I may have difficulties with the police. I am possibly forbidden from walking on interstates, (depends on who you ask)but the only really accessible roads through Nevada and Utah are interstates, where services are located. I am not risking my life on rural roads where I may be in danger of running out of water or supplies, and I will take my chances on the interstates. Im safer there than in Gila monster territory. Im careful, walk against traffic, only walk in the daylight and am careful about where I am at all times. If I cant stay on or near interstates, Ill either catch a ride somewhere safer, or the deal is up. I suspect Ill be okay though. Time will tell.
SF, do not worry about being hungry. Jesus fasted 40 days and nights and He turned out O.K. until the hypocrites killed Him.
ReplyDeleteI went without food for 3 days and more many times when I traveled across America. You will get over the hunger pain in about 15 to 20 minutes about twice a day. No big deal.
Did U forget to take Ur dollar store umbrella. Well don't worry U will get use to the sun by the time U reach San F.
When you step on the scales in San Fran, U will be happy how good U feel except for Ur feet.
Don't worry about the pain in Ur feet. U will be use to the pain in a few years and will not even think of it in the day time.
U R in the best place to find God since U left Tybee Island. Start looking for Him. He IS there. Ask Him where He is and to let U know where He is. U have to go through His Son to find Him so start looking.
U R in the HEART of America and God is in Ur HEART so mix the 2 HEARTS and U can find Him.
I don't mean to make Ur followers mad but I am willing to die in the name of Jesus.
PS: SF, fasting will help U to fight hunger. U can give Ur food money to the starving children that R dying from eating dirt and bark off of trees to see what a full stomach feels like.
ReplyDelete******WALK TO FIGHT HUNGER******
Dear Asonofgod,
ReplyDeleteI am afraid I disagree. Walking to fight hunger loses its point rather if our man dies of starvation. That would be stupid. The god of MY understanding does not nurture martyrs.
Dear Jim,
"To thine own self be true" is good for me.
Thank you both of you. Im really getting a new appreciation for everything...friends, places and more. And I aint starvin'
ReplyDeleteTess, God nurtures His adopted children that knows how the starving children feel.
Those that fear dying are those that know they are going to hell but lie and say they aren't.
I may be stupid but God's inspired words says in 1st Corinthians 3:19-20 that the wise of the world are 'USELESS'.
My only wisdom is of the 'MYSTERIES of the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN'.