It was so strange that it has still unsettled me. As I walked along Highway 278, westbound toward the lovely little town of Holly Pond, I passed the unmistakable stench of death. Looking down the 10 foot drop to the bottom of a hill, off the side of the road I saw the large, decaying body of a Labrador retriever. Next to it appeared to be a slightly larger burnt spot on the ground, with a piece of paper in the center. Parking my cart, I worked my way down to see what I was looking at. The lab was not very far along the decomposition trail, and was wearing a large black nylon harness,, the type seen on guide dogs. He was a male, and appeared to have been in good health. The large black burnt spot nearby was more of a puzzle. While there were definite signs of something burning there, there were also large amounts of black hair around the edges of the circle. Planted directly in the center of the burnt area was a portion of a rather disgusting porno magazine featuring a very young black girl engaging in certain acts with several faceless men. It didn’t appear to be accidental that the pornography was dead center in the burnt area, but who can say. What was I looking at? Was this the animal sacrifice thatI have heard about before, conducted by disturbed individuals? Or was it simply a dog that had been hit by a car? What was the black burned area? If something burned there, and had left hair, where were the bones? The lab was intact and basically just dead. What the hell was this??
On another front, lighter in nature, I picked up a road companion. His name is Cookie Monster and apparently he had fallen out of favor, or out of a car, yesterday, to be picked up by yours truly. nHe has been a real good listener, and generally does not complain about wearing his seatbelt.
Today we were walking along and Cookie Monster got thirsty. I decided to let him have anice drink from a fancy sippee cup It so relaxed him that he wanted to sleep, so when we came to a bunch of flowers, Cookie Monster decided it was nap time. Upon awakening, he was very bleary eyed, and hungry. He grabbed the first thing that he saw that looked like a cookie BUT…It was a baby turtle. He almost ate it before spitting it out into his hand.
I don’t know if Cookie Monster is going to make the whole trip with me but if he does, I don’t want to hear him complain about sore feet. No one wants to hear that crap.
glad the air mattress is working out! Sounds like you are meeting ALL kinds of people out there...keep on truckin and keep on writing....makes for a very good daily read!