Well, for an Easter Sunday, I guess it is appropriate to write about a little piece of heaven that I passed through today. And it all happened because I went left when I should have turned right.
Morgan County, Alabama….as lovely and as peaceful as any place that I have walked through on this big old trip of mine. For once, no drivers tried to run me over, and almost everyone waved to me, it seemed. For the first time, too, I did not feel as if there were secret shotguns pointed at my back, or people whispering about what my motives might be, or any sense of angst on anyone’s part, including my own. Those things can quickly get old and suck the life out of you if you let it.
An interesting thing happened in Morgan County: I fell in love with this little part of Alabama. In the north we often hear a lot of negative things about the south, and in particular the state of Alabama. I’ve now passed through Georgia, where I live, and almost all of Alabama and I was much more dismayed and disappointed in Georgia than I have been here.
I was pulled over by a sheriff’s deputy today. He passed me by a few times, and I assumed he would eventually get around to stopping, and he did. I had just had a fabulous two dollar turkey sandwich at a small place called the Ironman Restaurant, ansd was basking in the post meal glow, and though, “well, here goes the old nonsense” with the cop. He got out of his SUV, appproched and saked me where I was headed. When I told him California, he seemed amused, but when he saw my card, and heard m story, he said something that not one of the oprevious 15 or so law enforcement officials have said. He simply said, “This is so cool” a couple of times. Didn’t even run my ID. He even took my name down for the purposes of trying to find me on Facebook so he could follow my blog pieces about my trip. He wished me well and drove off, leaving me not with a feeling of relief on my face, as is usually the case, but a smile. I walked on, and about an hour later he pulled up again next to me and told me he had found my profile on Facebook and had sent me a friend request. So I am pleased to now have Morgan County Sheriff’s Deputy Eric Douglass as a new friend. He is certainly an exemplary spokesman for the county’s law enforcement division.
I continued walking. The goldenrod were in bloom, the horses were all extra handsome and pretty, the farms all looked like they were thriving, the people I met and spoke to were all incredibly friendly. Trash along the highway was at a minimum and the houses all looked well cared for.
If I had not taken a wrong turn this morning early, I might have missed a lot of very cool and pretty scenery. I’m glad I did. It was a perfect day for a little walk through a southern paradise.
Wish you had had your camera pointed towards your face when the smile was on it LOL. BTW are your feet any less painful. I don't like to ask too much in case it becomes a painful reminder...
ReplyDelete90% of cops give U a hard time when they approach U but when they finish with U, U think U have a new friend.
ReplyDeleteIt is just a natural tactic that they use to feel U out. They R just human beings.
Don't be shocked in the future
To GOSA: A fair and probably note-worthy piece of advice to our blog author here, But how many of them actually friend U on Facebook? I believe he actually does have a new friend now.
ReplyDeleteHe probably does have a new acquaintance or something like that but I do not have any friends on Facebook.
ReplyDeleteI love ALL of them but Jesus Christ is the only true Friend that I have.
Don’t Be so surprised about cops. The man that bought you the biscuit and offered to help you find your solar charger back in Ga. is a Deputy too. It didn’t seem worth mentioning then but I want you to know not to let a few bad experiences influence your opinions. We're not all bad brother
ReplyDeleteJOdy--I knew you were a cop--your badge was on yor dashboard! lol. Im not surprised by cops...they have been great, and have been truly concerned for my welfare, Deputy Douglass was exceptional in that he tooka very big interest in what I was doing as well. A very very nice man and Im glad I ran into him. Thank you again for your kindness and help that day.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely no need to thank me. I too think you are doing a good thing. It is very few people in this world that would take on such a costly task for the sake of others. I can't say that I would have that kind of strength, I complain if i have to walk to the mailbox. But seriously I read your comments about renewed faith in peoples good will and I think that maybe you don't see your own good will. Its easy to say a kind word, offer a biscuit, or even a place to sleep, but how many of us would take on your task? I challenge you to look at your own self and see what we should all aspire to be. As for my own kindness don't thank me, see, me and God have a deal, I try to live right and he let's me in heaven. One more thing, I try to never force my beliefs on others but pay attention to what asonofgod says to you, there is truth to his words. That decision is for you alone to make. I only ask that you keep an open mind. You wouldn't believe the strength you can muster when you have God on your side. It works for me anyway, and if you choose not to go that route, might I suggest a 357 (kidding). Your still a good man doing a great thing. Carry on and know that we support you. We love you brother!!
ReplyDeleteThank you again, sir! Ill take it all in....!
ReplyDeleteSF, U didn't mind Jody T. very well. He ordered U not to 'THANK' him.
ReplyDeleteShame on U but I'm sure he forgives U and so would I.
Look out for that broken glass up ahead of U. It's a good thing Ur tires R solid rubber and not pneumatic.