Beware of BS
Snaggletooth Becky is her name
Lying, scamming, ripping off friends is her claim to fame
Brown-nosing her way into your house
And when you're not looking she's sneaky as a mouse
Years and years she's been on the run
Stealing from friends, it's all just the same
Sooner or later she'll get her just due
No more crying or lying, conniving or snitching
Shoving in shame like it was a game
Everything's quiet now, for she's disappeared
Though this time it appears she won't reappear
Cause fake, phony Becky
Was never here.
Well, someone in San Andreas, California, has it in for a woman named Becky.
Or maybe they don't.
I saw the above printed out on a piece of paper, and stapled to a telephone pole, in a residential area near the library, where I had spent a night camped in a courtyard/patio.
I read the paper twice. Wondered aloud who the hell Becky was, and what she had done to warrant such a loving tribute. I pictured a drugged out woman, living life by moving from friend to friend, leeching from them, and then moving on when the fan got hit. It appears that Becky might have finally been arrested, or worse, and more sinister, murdered. The words,"This time it appears she wont reappear" ring mighty suspicious to me. Sounds like drastic action has been taken.
On the other hand, this might be a load of malarkey. "Fake, phony Becky was never here"? Hmmmm. Was she? Or wasn't she?
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